Our values

Values are important, this is what we believe in at DealDash

Be Fair & Honest

  1. If you make a mistake, be open about it.
  2. Give honest feedback and ask others for honest feedback.
  3. Treat customers the same way you would want to be treated by a business. Our customers are real people just like us.

Customer First

  1. Start with the Customer's problem, not yours.
  2. Never take the customer for granted. Our Customers have thousands of choices a click away and they will vote with their credit cards if not delighted.
  3. Create personal relationships, learn from and respect our Customers.

Be an Entrepreneur

  1. Take initiative and be proactive. Create your own opportunities in the company. If you see something that's not right, fix it.
  2. Learn new skills on a constant basis. The world evolves rapidly and so should you.
  3. Don't be afraid to jump out of your job description. You are not just an employee, you are an entrepreneur on this team. Be ambitious, take risks and believe in yourself.

Be Data Driven

  1. Make informed decisions that are based on data, not hunches.
  2. An analysis based on accurate data is worth more than 1,000 experts' opinions. Validate your opinions.
  3. Prioritize opportunities carefully by quantifying benefits and possible outcomes.



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